Film.Ca Cinemas

Film.Ca Cinemas Haunted House Experience!

Buy Tickets
The Curse of Knoll Studios - Haunted House

*The below waiver is for your review. A copy of the document will be provided for all guests to complete before entering. Please arrive a few minutes early to sign.


Event Location: 171 Speers Road, Oakville, ON L6K 3W8
Event Dates: October 2024

By signing this waiver, you acknowledge and agree to the following terms and conditions for participating in the Cinemas Haunted House 2024. This agreement is binding and must be signed by all participants (or legal guardians for minors).

Acknowledgement of Risks
I understand and acknowledge that participation in the Cinemas Haunted House 2024 involves various inherent risks, including but not limited to:
● Possibility of physical injury (e.g., trips, slips, falls, minor bruises, or other injuries).
● Exposure to loud noises (including sudden or jarring sounds).
● Exposure to unsettling or disturbing imagery (including darkness, strobe lights, fog, simulated violence, and horror-themed content).
● Use of fog machines and other atmospheric effects that may trigger asthma, allergies, or respiratory issues.
● Photosensitivity risks, which may cause seizures, migraines, or other symptoms in individuals sensitive to flashing lights or visual stimuli.

Medical Considerations
I confirm that I am in good health and do not have any condition that would make participation dangerous or unsuitable, such as:
● A history of asthma, respiratory conditions, or severe allergies that could be triggered by fog, smoke, or other effects.
● Epilepsy or photosensitivity that may be affected by strobe lights.
● Heart conditions, anxiety disorders, or other mental/physical health conditions that could be negatively impacted by jump scares or intense imagery.

I understand that emergency medical services will not be provided beyond standard first aid assistance if required.

Assumption of Risk and Release of Liability
By participating, I voluntarily assume all risks associated with attending the Haunted House and acknowledge that Cinemas, its staff, affiliates, and event organizers are not liable or responsible for:
● Any injury (physical or psychological) that may result from participation.
● Loss or damage to personal belongings.
● Medical complications, including but not limited to those related to asthma, allergies, photosensitivity, or anxiety.

I waive, release, and discharge Cinemas from all claims, damages, or causes of action, including negligence, arising from participation in the event.

Photography and Media Release
I acknowledge that photographs, videos, or other media may be captured during the event for promotional purposes. By attending, I grant Cinemas permission to use my image, likeness, and voice in any media without compensation. If I do not wish to be photographed or filmed, I will notify event staff prior to participation.

Rules of Conduct
I agree to follow all event rules and instructions given by event staff. Disruptive, aggressive, or unsafe behavior may result in removal from the event without refund.

Acknowledgement of Understanding I confirm that I have read, understood, and voluntarily agree to the terms of this waiver and release of liability. I am aware that by signing this document, I am waiving certain legal rights, including the right to sue, and assume full responsibility for my participation.

Participant Name: _____________________________________
Signature: ___________________________________________
Date: _______________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Name (if under 18): _______________________
Parent/Guardian Signature: _____________________________

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